TermiTick Dryer Bag

"Don't let Ticks hitch a ride to where you and your family reside"
Keep Debris and Contaminants out of a Clean Dryer
Chemical Free / Portable / Scent Free
Dry Gear that is not Practical to Place Directly into a Home Dryer such as Bags & Packs and Pet Gear
Prevent Ticks from Entering the Home
Quarantine Unseen Ticks that may be Hidden on Garments and Gear
Ticks can survive a wash cycle
To Kill Ticks, Dry First!
If garments are washed before dried, the added moisture is likely to keep the clothes from becoming dry & hot enough to eradicate Ticks.
No one wants to place dirty clothes in a clean dryer

Ticks can survive 182 hours - 7 days - in a laundry pile
There is always paranoia when coming back to your home after being in the outdoors, not knowing if ticks have hitched a ride back to your home on your clothing/gear.
The common practice of leaving your garments in a pile on the garage floor, putting them in garbage bag, etc. does not serve the purpose of eliminating the ticks from the domestic area. The ticks often find their way into homes and other locations around the house where they can find human or pet hosts.
To kill unseen Ticks on garments, Government & Independent sources direct people to place garments directly into dryer (even prior to washing). If clothes are washed first, the added moisture is likely to keep the clothes from becoming dry & hot enough to kill the ticks.